About me

Evert Savonije (22-11-1985)

My journey started 10 years ago. In an absolutely overwhelming darkness I was looking for light. For something to hold on to and to give me a purpose worth living for and to love a life I did not value. Drugs and anger were often a temporary escape from the tomb I had built around myself. Not because I chose to but because life had shown me its ugly sides in their full extent. It is hard to stay in the light once you feel your colors draining. And so I got lost.

Depression followed and the black whole I fell in kept me prisoner for 8 years. I told myself that my disbelief in a world around me that I simply did not understand was justified. That somehow I had the right to finally exclude myself from life because of fear. I had always felt invisible and I allowed hate and anger to build up inside me with every day that passed.

But suddenly, one day after 8 years of darkness, I arrived at a breaking point. I would either finally embrace the darkness that was my reality and die in it, or I would express myself in a way that allowed me to transform my pain into an undeniable form of beauty and expression. I sat down and eventually descended into a frenzied madness of colors, shapes and emotions which would in the end form my first artwork. For hours I was lost in the secrets of shapes, sizes and contrasts and with every brushstroke I regained a little of what I had lost.

A pure and raw digital art form was born that bit by bit pulled me back from the the brink. I poured all my pain, love, hate, wonder, dispair and identity into the pieces of my work and each time when it was done a part of myself felt restored. I repeated this process 2525 times and with every time I grew stronger and wiser and climbed out of the black whole that had swallowed me all those years ago.

The moral of this story. Art saved my life and has shown me my destiny. To become Invicta. Now my mission is to show the world my work and to allow my self to be judged. To live and to learn loving life again. To see every day as a new start and to humbly ask you to witness the start of my new journey. To become part of it. To become Invicta.

Photo of Me Photo of Me



Here you can find a selection of my creations.
(low resolution)

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Voorbeeld creaties
Voorbeeld creaties
Voorbeeld creaties
Voorbeeld creaties
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Contact Evert Savonije

Join the journey and become Invicta!
Drop me a line via email.

Amsterdam, the Netherlands